
基于联合优化的WLAN动态频率选择改进算法 被引量:4

An Improved Dynamic Frequency Selection Algorithm Based on Joint Optimization in WLAN
摘要 现有的动态频率选择机制有效降低了网络间的干扰,但仅考虑了物理层的干扰最小。无线局域网网络密度越来越高,支持的业务越来越丰富,不同的业务传输所需要的带宽、允许的时延均不相同。为了有效提升业务传输效率和网络容量,提出了一种改进的动态频率选择算法。具体为:接入点将站点的信号接收质量、载干比、占用信道时间系数和业务优先级作为优化问题的特征参数集,综合考虑多个站点上报的信道测量报告,利用凸优化理论以吞吐量最优为目标联合进行优化,选定接入点的工作信道。最后,结合实际的场景图,仿真对比了动态频率选择改进算法和未采用动态频率的性能,结果显示改进算法使干扰区域的吞吐量增加了10倍,能明显降低WLAN网络的干扰,提升WLAN的业务传输效率,可广泛应用于WLAN的产品设计。 Existing dynamic frequency selection mechanism can eliminate interference between adjacent networks but only takes into account the minimum physical layer interference. Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN) has higher and higher density and supports increasing diverse services. To ultimately improve the user experience, an improved dynamic frequency selection algorithm is proposed. Access point sets the weighting factor for channel measurement reports according to the active time of the reporting station and the access category of its services to be transmitted. Aiming to optimal throughput, it is jointly optimized on the theory of convex optimization. Final- ly, simulations compare the performance with Dynamic Frequency Selection mechanism and without Dynamic Frequency Selection mechanism in the actual scene graph. Results show the improved algorithm can enhance the throughput 10 times in interference region, so the proposed algorithm can significantly eliminate the interference of the WEAN networks, effectively improve WLAN efficiency and user experience, and can be widely used in WLAN products.
出处 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2013年第7期873-877,共5页 Telecommunication Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61102047) 国家科技重大专项(2012ZX03001025-004) 陕西省教育厅科研计划专项项目(11JK1016 11JK1021)~~
关键词 无线局域网 动态频率选择 干扰消除 联合优化 WLAN dynamic frequency selection interference cancellation joint optimization
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