目的 探讨司法鉴定中精神发育迟滞 (MR)患者辨认能力的影响因素。方法 对 86例MR司法鉴定资料进行判别分析 ,选出影响辨认能力的判别因子 ,并建立判别方程 ,进行组内回代检验。结果 经判别分析 ,有 5个因素被选入 :个性特征、诊断分组、是否伴有癫痫及其他精神病性症状、作案类型、作案动机 ,组内回代检验不同程度辨认能力的判断正确率分别为 :有完全辨认能力 93 8%、有部分辨认能力73 4 %、无辨认能力 1 0 0 %,总判断正确率为 89 0 %。结论 MR患者作案时辨认能力受多种因素的影响 ,否认了“单纯以诊断分级判断辨认能力”的观点。
Objcetive\ To study the capacity of discrimination in patients with mental retardation (MR) Methods\ 86 cases of MR in forensic psychiatry expertise were collected, all data in these cases were analyzed by SPSS software to elect affect factors on capacity of discrimination Results\ five affect factors were identified including character of personality, MR range, with or no epilepsy or any psychiatry symptom, type and motive of committing offense By test of SPSS software, the judge validity of capacity of discrimination in different group were followed as: 938% in capacity of discrimination, 734% in partial capacity of discrimination, and 100% in incapacity of discrimination The total judge validity was in 890% Conclusion\ These results suggested that the capacity of discrimination in patients with MR in committing offence was influenced by serval factors, the opinion that capacity of discrimination could diagnosis by MR range only was unsupported in this study
Journal of Law & Medicine