50年代到 60年代初 ,中国广大农民群众为克服合作经济体制中的弊端 ,进行了不懈的努力 ,他们创造了包产到户的生产责任制形式 ,并三次付诸实践。但由于党在什么是社会主义的认识上出现了偏差 ,在“左”的指导思想束缚下 ,三次努力都受到了挫折。历史给我们留下了深刻的经验和教训 。
From 1950s to early 1960s,the broad masses of peasants made an unremitting effort to overcome the defects resulted from the co operative economic system.They created labour contracted to the family,one form of responsibitily system for production and put it into practice three times. But fettered by the “Left”guiding line,all the three times of practice failed. But it taught us a deep lesson and accumulated valuable experience for the party's choosing the right way for the development of agriculture.
Journal of Xuchang Teachers College(Social Science Edition)