目的建立同时快速测定尿中汞和砷含量的碰撞-反应池电感耦合等离子体质谱(inductively coupled plasmamass spectrometry,ICP-MS)方法。方法每20ml尿样用65%硝酸100μl酸化、稀释后,在线锗和铋混合内标引入ICP-MS直接测定。结果在1~10μg/L的线性范围内,该方法所得汞、砷的回归方程均呈较好的线性关系(r≥0.999),检出限分别为0.02μg/L和0.09μg/L,RSD分别为4.23%和1.58%,平均回收率分别为93.5%~103.5%和98.9%~103.3%。结论该方法能有效避免样品前处理可能带来污染的问题,操作简便、快速、准确,灵敏度和精密度均较高,且线性范围宽,适用于尿样中汞、砷含量的同时快速测定。
Objective To establish ICP - MS assay for simultaneous determination of mercury and arsenic in u- fine sample. Methods The urine sample (20ml) was acidified and diluted by 65% nitric acid (100μl) then was tested with internal standard which was mixed with germanium and bismuth by introducing ICP - MS. Results The regression equation of mercury and arsenic showed a good linear relationship (r ≥0. 999) on the linear range of 0 - 10μg/L The detection limit were 0.02μg,/L and 0.09μg/L, the RSD were 4.23% and 1.58% and the average recoveries were 93.5% - 103.5% and 98.9% - 103.3%, respectively. Conclusions This method can not only avoid contamination and loss during sample pretreatment but also simple, sensi- tive and wide linear range, so it is a rapid way to detect mercury and arsenic at the same time.
Journal of Medical Pest Control