路牌广告是我国最主要的户外广告。随着社会的繁荣 ,路牌广告蓬勃发展。路牌广告内容简明扼要 ,形式表现单纯 ,能及时传递最新信息 ,是一种简单可行而极有成效的广告媒体。它不但与消费者直接沟通、而且与社会和市容环境紧密相连 。
Street advertisements are the major outdoor advertisements in China. With the growing prosperity of cities, street advertisements flourish. Precise in content, simple in presentation and timely in conveying the updated information, street advertisements can be regarded as a practical and efficient medium. Not only do they easily approach customers but also they greatly affect the city's environment. Street advertisements really add a touch to the appearance of modern cities.
Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)