
基于百度指数的长三角核心区城市网络特征研究 被引量:223

The Research of the Yangtze River Delta Core Area’s City Network Characteristics Based on Baidu Index
摘要 全球化和信息化影响下的城市网络研究是近十几年来城市与区域研究的一个新方向。借助百度指数,获取2009和2012年长三角两两城市间的用户关注度数据,通过计算模拟城市信息流,分析长三角城市网络的时空演变。对比研究发现:①城市网络层级变动大,但上海依然是网络的绝对核心;②城市网络结构逐渐优化:由以南京、上海、杭州和宁波为支撑节点的"Z"型,发展到以扬州、南通、南京、上海、杭州和宁波为支撑节点的"8"字型,越来越多的城市融入成长为网络中的重要节点;③城市网络内部稳定性日趋增强:各城市信息联系总量增加,但年际变化减小。进一步研究表明,基于百度指数的区域城市网络时空变化受经济发展基础、城市功能定位、大事件效应以及城市网络营销等因素的影响。 Influenced by globalization and information, city network is a new direction of city and regional studies in recent ten years. Based on the "Degree of Consumer Attention" fimction provided by Baidu.com, the attention datas of year 2009 and 2012 between cities of the Yangtze River Delta core area were gotten, in order to simulate the information flow and study the city network evolution. Comparative study found that: (1)The city network hierarchy changed greatly, but Shanghai was still the absolute core; (2)The city network structure optimized gradually: it developed from the "Z" type with the supporting nodes of Nanjing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Ningbo, into the "8" type with adding Yangzhou and Nantong, more and more cities have become the important nodes; (3)The city network internal stability increased: each city' s gross of information contact increased, but the interannual variation reduced. Further research indicated that, the regional city network spatio-temporal evolution based on Baidu Index were influenced by the economic development foundation, the city fi.mction oositioning, the city events effect as well as the city network marketing.
出处 《经济地理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期67-73,共7页 Economic Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40971094)
关键词 城市网络 信息流 百度指数 长三角核心区 city network information flow Baidu Index the Yangtze River Delta core area
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