在 2 0世纪的中国 ,法治论经历了被孙中山肯定 ,蒋介石否定 ,邓小平、江泽民再次肯定的三大阶段。法治论在中国土地上生根 ,符合唯物辩证法揭示的事物发展的客观规律 ,是历史发展的必然结果。珍视来之不易的法治抉择 ,走依法治国的历史必由之路 ,在党的领导下 ,为建设社会主义法治国家而努力奋斗 ,这就是我们从法治论在 2
In the 20th century of China, the Rule by law has experienced three periods: it was affirmed by Sun Yat sen at first, it was negated by Jiang Jieshi, afterward, it has been affirmed by Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zeming. The Rule by law roots in the land of China, which conforms to the objective law of the development of matter in Materialist Dialectics, and is the certain result of the historical development. To cherish the precious choice of Rule by law, and choose the way of Rule by law, and strive for the socialist construction of Rule by law under the leadership of the CCP, are valuable enlightenments obtained during the process of the development of Rule by law in the 20th century of China.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University
rule by law
the Rebpulic with legal system
socialist country of rule by law
dialectical negative