In this paper ,we investigate the security of DES block cipher against side-channel cube attacks based on 8-bit Hamming weight leakage model. Under the black-attack scenario, the adversary firstly generates random cube and superpoly. Then the cube is used to generate chosen plaintexts. The adversary deduces one bit of the intermediate state from the side channel attack for each chosen plaintext and computes the high order differences of these one bit values to verify the relations between the cube and superpoly. Simulation experiments are launched on output of first round of DES. The results demonstrate that the unprotected implementation of DES is vulnerahle to side-channel cube attacks. If the adversary can accurately deduce the Hamming weight of the intermediate states from the side-channel leakages, many cubes and superpolys can be extracted and used for key recovery. The best experiment result is 2^9.35 chosen plaintexts, which can reduce the DES master keysearch space to 2^15.
Journal of Ordnance Engineering College