

Study on GPRS congestion control technology
摘要 为了更好利用GPRS网络,减小数据传输过程中的拥塞,设计了一种基于数据压缩和滑动窗机制相结合的控制方案,实现了对GPRS数据传输的拥塞控制。对控制方案进行实验验证,实验结果表明,采用该控制方案可以减少30%-50%的传输数据量,有效抑制传输拥塞,提高GPRS网络的传输效率,可满足GPRS网络传输瞬时大数据量的要求。 In order to make better use of the GPRS network and reduce the congestion in data-transmission process, a control scheme based on data compression and sliding window mechanism is designed, which can achieve the congestion control for GPRS data transmission. The experiment verification for the scheme was conducted, and the experimental results show that the scheme can not only cut down the transmission quantity of data by 30%-50%, but also reduce the transmission congestion and improve the transmission efficiency of the GPRS network. As a result, it can meet the requirements of mass data transmission in the GPRS network in instant.
出处 《现代电子技术》 2013年第15期32-35,40,共5页 Modern Electronics Technique
基金 国家"十二五"科技支撑计划"智能高速列车系统关键技术研究及样车研制-全息化运行环境感知系统"(2011BAG05B02)
关键词 GPRS 数据传输拥塞 数据压缩 滑动窗 无线传感器网络 GPRS data transmission congestion data compression sliding window wireless sensor network
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