目的 :明确早期应用尼莫地平对弥漫性轴索损伤 (DAI)的疗效和安全性。方法 :根据特征性的弥漫性轴索损伤 (DAI)影像学诊断标准 ,60名颅脑外伤患者被诊断为DAI而进入这项开放平行对照试验。结果 :研究证实 :尼莫地平治疗是安全的 ,患者的耐受性较好。外伤后 3月两组在优良效果上进行比较 ,尼莫地平组优于对照组 ,但无显著性差异。在Ⅲ级DAI患者亚组中 ,尼莫地平治疗DAI的显著有效性得到了体现 (P <0 0 5 )。经TCD检查发现在本组中脑血管痉挛的发生率较高 ( 4 0 % )。结论 :临床上早期应用尼莫地平对DAI是有价值的。在DAI的临床治疗中 。
Objective:To test the efficacy and safety of early intervention with nimodipine treatment in DAI patients Methods:Based on the characteristic radiological signs and criteria for diffuse axonal injury(DAI), 60 consecutive patients with the diagnosis of DAI were enrolled in this open, parallel and controlled study Results:Nimodipine proved to be safe and well tolerated. Nimodipine produced a better clinical result than placebo, but there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups on favorable outcome at 3 months after injury.A clinical significance was suggested by the analyses in the subgroup of clinical Grade Ⅲ DAI. With the of TCD sonography we found that there is a higher incidence of cerebral vasospasm in this series (40%). Conclusions:A clinically valuable benefit is possible with early treatment of nimodipine in DAI patients.However, the prevention of ischemic brain damage remains the important therapeutic target in clinical management of DAI.
Journal of Jiangsu Clinical Medicine