

Theory Study of Enterprise Organization Improv Triggering Based on Management Operation System
摘要 随着社会发展变化,组织所面临的环境复杂多变,而企业作为组织中最灵活的元素,研究企业组织即兴对即兴的研究具有重要意义,一般认为组织记忆、组织学习和组织压力与即兴触发有关,本文主要研究企业在应用管理信息系统过程中,对企业记忆、企业学习和企业压力产生的改变,对触发企业组织即兴产生的影响。 Along with the social development and changes, organizations are facing the complex and changeful environment. Enterprise is the most flexible element of organizations, so the study of enterprise organization improv is of great importance for improv study. Generally, organizational memory, organizational learning and organizational stress are thought to be related to improv triggering. This paper mainly studies the changes of enterprise memory, enterprise learning and enterprise stress in the application of management operation system and the impact on enterprise organization improv triggering.
作者 刘晓军 刘璐
出处 《价值工程》 2013年第23期146-147,共2页 Value Engineering
关键词 组织即兴 管理信息系统 触发 organization improv management operation system trigger
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