
对提高干部选拔任用工作民主质量的调查和思考——以贵州省铜仁市为例 被引量:1

A Survey and Thinking of Improving the Democratic Quality of Cadre Selection and Appointment:for an Example of Tongren City,Guizhou Province
摘要 干部选拔任用工作民主主要体现在群众知情权、参与权、选择权和监督权的落实上,让所有人都能顺畅、真实地表达个人意愿。提高干部选拔任用工作民主质量的根本标准是把合适的干部选配到合适的岗位上,这样才能有效发挥干部能动作用,也才能体现干部选拔任用工作在广大人民群众的认可度和公信力。 The democracy in the work of selecting and appointing cadres is mainly embodied in the fulfillment of the people's rights to know, to participate, to choose and to supervise, sonal will smoothly and truly. As a radical standard for improving the appointment, proper persons should be appointed to proper positions, function of cadres and improve the people' s recognition and trust of making everyone able to express his per- democratic quality of cadre selection and so as to effectively playing the proactive the work of cadre selection and appointment.
作者 皮贵怀
出处 《中国井冈山干部学院学报》 2013年第4期101-106,共6页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Jinggangshan
关键词 铜仁市 干部选拔任用 民主质量 Tongren City cadre selection & appointment democratic quality
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