
低碳约束下专利权结构创新研究 被引量:1

The Innovation of the Patent Structure based on the Low-carbon Development
摘要 专利权系由高度、长度和宽度三个维度构成的立体结构,其维度的不同取值,可以对技术创新产生不同的激励效果。专利权结构的设定,为低碳技术发明人与运用人建立了一座联系的桥梁,从而促进低碳技术创新,实现低碳发展。但我国专利权结构呈现价值化倾向,以专有为中心,这造成专利权人的利益关切点与低碳技术创新背离,难以发挥专利权结构促进低碳技术创新、保护低碳技术创新成果的功能与作用。尝试利用专利权结构理论与模型,从专利权结构创新的基本原则、变革方向、制度框架、配套政策等进路,设计低碳约束下我国专利权结构创新的制度方案,为构建中国特色气候政策体系提供对策支撑。 The patent structure is constituted by three dimensions of height, length and width. If given a different value of the dimension of a patent structure, it would produce different incentive effects on technological innovation. A patent structure is like a bridge connecting the inventor and the user which can promote the low-carbon technological innovation, and achieve low-carbon development. However, the patents structure of China is a proprietary-centric structure and rendered valuation tendency. This causes that the interests of the patentee deviate from the low-carbon technological innovation. So the patent structure should not normally play function and role in the promotion of technological innovation. With the above arguments, a series of policy measures and reform propos- als based on the -low-carbon constraints are put forward which involve basic principle of patent structure innovation, the direction of the innovation path, system frameworks, the terms and conditions of patent law about low-carbon control, supporting policies and rules, etc.
作者 柳福东
机构地区 广西大学法学院
出处 《中国科技论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第8期27-33,60,共8页 Forum on Science and Technology in China
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目:"促进自主创新能力建设的国家知识产权政策体系研究"(12&ZD073)
关键词 低碳发展 专利权结构 制度创新 技术创新 Low-carbon development Patent structure Institutional innovationI Technological innovation.
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