
任务紧迫性下个体情感网络特征、情绪劳动及创新行为的关系研究 被引量:2

Experimental Study of Emotional Network,Emotional Labor and Project Innovative Behavior under Task Urgency
摘要 借助情景实验,对任务紧迫性下个体情感网络特征、情绪劳动和个体创新行为之间的作用机理展开研究。结果表明,情感网络中心性在浅层劳动与个体创新行为的关系中起着倒U型调节作用,情感网络中心性在深层劳动与个体创新行为之间起到正向的调节作用。对情绪劳动的合理引导以及对情感网络的有效控制能够充分运用情绪资源的资本优势,促进个体实施创新行为。 This paper focused on the impact of emotional network and emotional labor on innovation behavior through situational experiment. Experimental results showed that in the implementation of project management under urgency, the centrality of emotional network has reversed U shape impact on the correlation between surface emotional acting and individual innovation behavior. In addition, the centrality of emotional network moderated the positive relationship between deep emotional acting and innovation behavior actively. The project manager should pilot the employees' emotional labor as well as dominate the emotional network, to make full use of emotional capital and push forward the individual innovation behavior.
作者 张敏
机构地区 温州大学商学院
出处 《中国科技论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第8期75-82,共8页 Forum on Science and Technology in China
基金 教育部人文社科规划基金项目"任务紧迫性和强制性对项目创新行为的影响研究(12YJAZH193)"
关键词 情感网络中心性 情绪劳动 创新行为 任务紧迫性 Centrality of emotional network Emotional labor Innovation behavior Task urgency
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