
我院阑尾切除术围术期抗菌药使用情况调查 被引量:1

Survey of antibacterials use in patients by appendectomy in a military hospital
摘要 目的调查阑尾切除术围手术期抗菌药物使用情况。方法抽取2011年1至12月我院127例行阑尾切除术的病例,以Excel表格对数据进行分类统计。结果抗菌药使用率为100.0%,使用强度为213.5(DDD/100人天);以静脉滴注(98.9%)和二联用药(74.0%)为主,人均用药4.1±1.6 d;10例于术前(0.5~2.0)h内用药,21例于术前>2h用药;5例于术中用药;91例于术后用药;从用药频度看,以第三代头孢菌素(43.5%)和硝基咪唑类药物(37.4%)为主,第2代头孢菌素仅占6.6%。奥硝唑、头孢哌酮/他唑巴坦、头孢孟多酯钠居于用药频次前3位。结论阑尾切除术围术期抗菌药使用存在品种选择和用药时机不当等问题,需加强干预管理。 Objective To investigate antibacterials use in patients by appendectomy in a military hospital.Methods A total of 127 cases who had undergone appendectomy during Jan.to Dec.2011 in hospital were retrospective analyzed with Excel spreadsheet.Results All patients received at least one antibacterial drug during peroperative period with antibiotics Use Density of 213.5 DDDs per 100 pt-days and antibiotics therapeutic course of(4.1 ± 1.6) days,of which 98.9% was administered by intravenous drip,and 98.93% was bigeminy used.10 cases and 21 cases respectively initiated antimicrobial use within 0.5 ~ 2 h and 2 h before incision,and 5 cases in intraoperative and 91 cases in postoperative.Third generation cephalosporin accounted for 43.5% in DDDs while nitroimidazoles for 37.4%,in which ornidazole,cefoperazone/tazobactam and mandokef were prescribed most frequently.Conclusion Antimicrobial use in patients by appendectomy had some problems such as improper class and timing of antimicrobial use,et al,further interventions should be taken for rational use of antibactials in the future.
出处 《中国临床药理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期549-550,553,共3页 The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
关键词 阑尾切除术 围手术期 限定日剂量 appendectomy peroperative period defined daily dose
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