

Comparison study on existing chemicals inventories of seven countries
摘要 系统介绍了加拿大、美国、欧盟、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、菲律宾7个国家/地区现有化学物质名录的基本情况及发展。在比对研究基础上,总结出现有化学物质名录建设、管理的重点及发展方向。 Existing chemicals inventories and lists of Canada, American, European Union, Australia, Japan, Korea and Philippines were introduced systematically. The focus and the development direction of existing chemicals inventory's construction and management based on the comparison study were summed up.
出处 《化工新型材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期6-9,共4页 New Chemical Materials
基金 环保部公益项目<化学品危害诊断 分类 暴露预测及名录研究>(201109037)支持
关键词 现有化学物质 名录 目录 existing chemical, inventory, list
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