
索绪尔语言学理论的认知语言学解读——重读《普通语言学教程》 被引量:3

Understanding Saussure’s Linguistic Theory from a Cognitive Linguistic Perspective: Re-reading Course in General Linguistics
摘要 纵观 20 世纪初至今的各种语言学流派,可以说没有一派不从索绪尔的语言学思想中受到启迪和吸取营养。虽然今天我们所知的认知语言学肇始于 20 世纪 70 年代并一直被认为是与传统结构语言学完全不同的一种语言研究范式,但当我们从心理认知的角度重读索绪尔的《普通语言学教程》时就会发现其中许多关于语言和言语的论述都预示了现代认知语言学的一些重要理论和观点。 The influence of the linguistic tradition inaugurated by Ferdinand de Saussure has been so far-reaching that it is not an exag- geration to say that there is no modern linguistic trend or school which has not been inspired by his structural linguistic ideas and theories. Although cognitive linguistics which emerged in the 1970s has been claimed to be a new paradigm of linguistic study which is entirely different from traditional structural linguistics, yet once we read Course in General Linguistics, we may find that it frequently accounts for langue and parole from a psychological and cognitive perspective, and it actually contains the embryos of many important concepts and theories of modern cognitive linguistics. There is nothing unusual here since language is at the same time a social and a psychological phenomenon, any account for it has to pay due attention to this duality.
作者 辛斌
机构地区 南京师范大学
出处 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期1-9,共9页 Foreign Language Research
基金 国家社科基金项目"汉英报纸新闻中转述言语的语篇 / 语用功能比较研究"( 11BYY116) "江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目"( 优势学科代码 20110101) 的阶段性成果
关键词 索绪尔 符号观 语言观 系统观 认知解读 Saussure sign language system cognitive understanding
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