
概念隐喻恒定性原理中的“彰”与“障”问题 被引量:7

Highlighting and Hiding in the Invariance Principle for Conceptual Metaphor
摘要 Lakoff 提出概念隐喻跨域映射的恒定性假设和恒定性原理,这是一个概括概念和语言两大系统特征的原理。这一原理主张向目标域映射的那一部分始源域结构具有认知拓扑学性质,这一性质保障从始源域向目标域映射的结构系统性。但究竟是什么因素决定那一部分始源域,Lakoff 没有具体说明。本文认为,进一步挖掘 Lakoff 和 Johnson 提出的"彰"与"障"以及 Lakoff 与后人的研究可以深入解释这一问题。 Lakoff proposed the Invariance Hypothesis and the Invariance Principle in the domain-external mapping of conceptual meta- phor, which intend to characterize a broad range of regularities in both conceptual and hnguistic systems. This principle claims that the portion of the source domain structure that is mapped preserves cognitive topology, which guarantees the structural syste- maticity in the mapping from source domain to target domain. However, Lakoff did not clarify what it is that determines that por- tion of the source domain. This paper argues that a further account of highlighting and hiding proposed by Lakoff & Johnson can explain this. Hence, a combination of the Invariance Principle with highlighting and hiding as well as the following researches can make a better explanation of the domain-external mapping in conceptual metaphor.
作者 张征 杨成虎
机构地区 中南大学 宁波大学
出处 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期44-48,共5页 Foreign Language Research
基金 湖南省普通高等学校教学改革研究立项项目"高校英语专业基础英语教学的认知策略研究与实践"(湘教通[2012]401号) 中南大学外国语学院 2011 年英语特色专业建设培养项目"基础阶段英语专业教学的认知研究与实践"的阶段性成果
关键词 “彰”与“障” 恒定性原理 概念隐喻 跨域映射 highlighting and hiding the Invariance Principle conceptual metaphor domain-external mapping
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