
社会交互式传播技术与青少年的同辈关系网——基于社会网络分析的经验研究 被引量:9

Socially Interactive Technologies and Teenagers' Peer Social Networks: An Empirical Study Based on SNA Paradigm
摘要 传播新技术划定和塑造青少年的同辈关系,深刻影响该群体的社会化过程。采用"社会网络分析"(SNA)范式,本研究考察青少年基于"社会交互式传播技术"(SITs)的同辈关系网对现实社会中同辈友情关系的可能影响。基于关系数据的分析表明,SITs使用对青少年的现实交往具有增进作用,提高了友情关系网络结构的丰富性,但也呈现出与现实友情网中不同的权力资源分布状况。同时,受访青少年的现实友情网络指标在相当程度上决定了SITs关系网的相应指标。本文揭示了社会网络分析范式对新媒体社会效果研究的方法论价值,也体现出通过引入新的解释概念以比较与融合不同的理论假设,以及开掘新的理论拓展方向的潜能。 New communication technologies will help to define and shape teenagers' relationships with their peers. R is also a social procedure which will deeply impose influence on them. This research focus on how the peer social network with SITs might affect their friendships. Our data disclosed that SITs promoted teenagers' social interaction and enriched their social network. Nonetheless, there is different power resource distribution compared with their real social networks. At the same time, the real network index of teenagers being investigated mostly decides the associated SITs network index. We found out the methodological value of SNA paradigm in effect research of new media. And we also explored the potentiality of developing new theory with comparison of different hypothesis.
出处 《国际新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期37-50,共14页 Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication
基金 武汉大学自主科研项目"多维学科视野中的社会化媒体研究"阶段性成果 "中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金"资助 武汉大学人文社会科学"70后"学者学术团队建设计划"社会性媒体创新研究团队"项目资助~~
关键词 社会网络分析 青少年 社会交互式传播技术 同辈关系 互联网 social network analysis, teenagers, socially interactive technologies, peer relationships, intemet
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