
压力定量型气管插管鉴定球在气管插管中的应用 被引量:1

Application of the pressure quantitative tracheal intubation identification ball in tracheal intubation
摘要 目的研究压力定量型气管插管鉴定球在气管导管位置判断中的应用,并与传统听诊器法作比较。方法将50例美国麻醉医师学会(ASA)分级Ⅰ/Ⅱ的择期手术患者随机编号,分别应用压力定量型气管插管鉴定球和听诊器检测气管导管的位置,并用金标准PETcO2法检测验证;同时记录两种方法各自花费的检测时间。结果鉴定球法检测结果的正确率为99%,听诊器法检测结果的正确率为85%,两种方法差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);鉴定球法所花费的时间少于听诊器法(P〈0.05)。结论压力定量型气管插管鉴定球可以快速、准确地检测气管导管所在的位置,是一种有价值的新方法。 Objective To study the application of pressure quantitative tracheal intubation identification ball in the tracheal catheter position judgment and comparison with the traditional stethoscope method. Methods 50 cases of ASA grade Ⅰ /Ⅱ selective operation patients with random numbers were applied of pressure quantitative tracheal intuhation identification ball or a stethoscope to detect the position of the tracheal tube. Detection time of the two methods was also recorded and PrxCO2 served as golden standard of successful intubation. Results The correct rate of identification ball and stethoscope was 99% and 85% , respectively, the results showed significant difference (P 〈 0.05 ) ; the detection time of identification ball method was less than that of the stethoscope method, the results showed significant difference (P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion Pressure quantitative endotracheal intubation identification ball is a valuable new method because of its quickness and accuracy in detecting the tracheal catheter's position.
出处 《中国急救医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期692-694,共3页 Chinese Journal of Critical Care Medicine
关键词 压力定量型气管插管鉴定球 检测 气管插管 呼气末二氧化碳分压(P. C02) 听诊器 Pressure quantitative endotracheal intubation identification ball Detection tracheal intubation Pressure of end -tidal carbon dioxide (PETC02) Stethoscope
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