
广西云南贫困县小学生饮食相关影响因素分析 被引量:1

Dietary nutritional related influencing factors of primary school students in poor moutain area of Guangxi and Yunnan
摘要 目的了解贫困地区小学生饮食营养相关影响因素现状,为进一步加强营养相关援助提供基线资料。方法在广西和云南各选取1个国家级贫困县,对9所小学全体学生共1 868名及其家长进行问卷调查。结果 83.81%的家庭认为已经或基本解决温饱问题。家庭每月用于购买食物的费用为263.37元,恩格尔系数为0.51±0.24。79.40%的家庭每天只吃两餐。学校均设有食堂为学生提供午餐和晚餐,每餐一般控制在1.2~3.0元。受调查地区小学生的营养知识及格率仅为10.61%,81.8%的学生"从来不吃"或"很少吃"鸡蛋。92.9%的学生平均每月零花钱有(26.91±34.83)元。24.25%的学生每天都吃零食。结论贫困地区学生温饱问题已经解决,但学生营养知识匮乏。应对学生进行营养宣教,养成良好的饮食习惯,使政府的营养改善计划取得更好的实效。 Objective To investigate the dietary conditions of primary school students in poor mountain area in order to provide baseline data for,the nutrition related aids. Methods Nine primary schools in the representative poor counties in Guangxi and Yunnan provinces were selected, 1 868 students and their parents were separately investigated by a questionnaire. Results About 83.81% of the family considered that basically the problem of food and clothing was solved. Every family spent 263.37 yuan on food monthly, the Engel coefficient was 0. 51±0. 24. About 79.40% of families had only two meals every day. All the schools had dining room and provide the students with lunch and dinner, every meal cost about 1.2-3.0 yuan. Only 10.61% of the students pass the nutrition knowledge exam, far less than the children of the same age in Shanghai City. About 81.8% of the students "never eat eggs" or "seldom eat eggs", 92.9% of the students had pocket money with 26.91±34.83 yuan per month. About 24.25% of the students eat snacks every day. Conclusion Basically the problem of food and clothing is solved in Chinese poor counties. It is time to provide nutrition education for the students to develop a good eating habit, which is also necessary to make the government's nutrition plan more beneficial.
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第7期788-790,共3页 Chinese Journal of School Health
基金 世界健康基金会资助(AFINS-HOPE-2011-02-A,AFINS-HOPE-2012-12) 上海公共卫生重点学科建设项目食品与卫生学科(12GWZX0701)
关键词 饮食习惯 健康知识 态度 实践 家庭 学生 贫困 Food habits Health knowledge attitudes practice Family Students Poverty
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