癌性恶病质 (cancercachexia ,CC)在癌症晚期病人发生率较高 ,是导致癌症死亡的常见原因 ,其发病机制尚不完全清楚 ,参与发病的主要有TNF α、IL 6、IL 1及IFN γ等多种细胞因子 ,另外 ,白血病抑制因子和脂肪动员因子等肿瘤细胞代谢产物及其他因子在CC的发生发展过程中可能也起着重要的作用。治疗上目前尚无特效药 ,但有些物质 ,如EPA、IL 1 2及 5′
Cancer cachexia is a common problem in advanced cancer and is a common cause of death in cancer, but the mechanism of cancer cachexia has not been well understood. Many cytokines, such as TNF α, IL 6,IL 1, IFN γ have been proposed as cachexia inducers. In addition, leukemia inhibitory factor and lipid mobilizing factor possibly plays an important role. At present there is no effective treatment for cancer cachexia. Eicosapentaenoic acid, IL 12 and 5′ deoxy 5 fluorouridine are possibly effective drugs to be used for anti cachexia treatment.
China Oncology