
分布式电源接入贵州高压配网最大接入容量分析 被引量:1

The analysis of maximum capacity of DG connected to guizhou high voltage distribution network
摘要 文章提出了一种最大接入容量分析方法,并应用于贵州电网的实际规划中,得到不同DG接入高压配网时对节点电压影响的规律,并重点探讨了制约DG节点电压越限制约和线路输送容量限制制约的关系。研究结果表明,DG接入一般会使得节点电压升高,但当容量较大时,尤其是线路潮流出现反送时,由于线路中有功、无功损耗较大,接入DG的节点电压可能不升反降,使得节点电压不会过高而越限。同时,还根据贵州多地区的计算结果,对DG最大接入容量的制约因素的规律进行了分析总结。 this paper presents a method that analysis the maximum capacity of Distributed Generation connected to a high voltage distribution network~ This method is applied in power grid planning in Guizhou province to analyze the maximum capacity of DG. According to a few anlysis cases in Guizhou, the article studies the law that how DG affects the node voltage when connected to a high voltage distri- bution network, and discusses the relationship between the two factors-node voltage limitation and transmission capacity constraint. The results show that generally DG rises the node voltage, but when DG capacity is large, the node voltage can be falling instead of rising due to the active, reactive power loss in the transmission line, which prevets the node voltage from rising over limitation.And the restric- tive factors of DG grid-connected capacity based on several analysis results in Guizhou are discussed at the same time.
出处 《可再生能源》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第8期33-37,共5页 Renewable Energy Resources
基金 国家"863"计划项目(2011AA05A104)
关键词 DG 配网 最大接入容量 节点电压 Distributed Generation distribution network maximum access capacity node volt-age
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