
圆管带式输送机压陷阻力的计算方法 被引量:1

Method of calculating indentation resistance of tubular belt conveyor
摘要 通过分析圆管带式输送机的托辊组与输送带之间的作用关系,得出圆管带式输送机的压陷阻力是圆管状输送带与圆柱形辊子的空间接触产生的,应采用二维模型计算压陷阻力。通过DEM仿真方法分析了不同充填率下物料在托辊组各个辊子上的正压力分布,采用Nuttall基于广义的Maxwell二维模型计算式,应用MATLAB通过迭代方法计算压陷阻力矩,进而实现对压陷阻力和压陷阻力系数的计算。 After analyzing the interaction between idler group and belt of the tubular belt conveyor, the paper concluded that the indentation resistance of the tubular belt conveyor produced due to the spatial contact between tubular belt and cylindrical idler, so 2D model should be applied to calculation of the indentation resistance. In addition, DEM simulation method was used to analyze the distribution of normal pressure on each idler at various material filling rate. Calculation formula of 2D Nuttall model based on generalized Maxwell model and MATLAB iteration method were used to calculate the indentation resistance moment, so as to calculate the indentation resistance and indentation resistance coefficient.
作者 陈洪亮 熊爽
出处 《矿山机械》 北大核心 2013年第8期56-61,共6页 Mining & Processing Equipment
关键词 圆管带式输送机 压陷阻力计算 二维模型 EDEM tubular belt conveyor calculation of indentation resistance 2D model EDEM
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