
《漳州方言词汇》音系研究 被引量:1

On the Phonological System of A Vocabulary of the Hok-Keen Dialect as Spoken in the County of Tsheeang-Tshew—to Which Is Prefixed a Treatise on the Hok-keen Tones《漳州方言词汇》
摘要 本文整理《漳州方言词汇》音系并与《福建方言字典》、《厦英大辞典》音系比较,判定该书反映的是19世纪上半叶槟城或马六甲的漳州方言。通过考察《漳州方言词汇》与今漳州方言音系、《厦英大辞典》漳州音读的异同,发现《漳州方言词汇》所反映的19世纪海外漳州方言与19世纪及今天的福建本土漳州方言音系都较为一致,但是也掺杂了个别闽南其他地区的语音和词汇。 This paper compares the phonological systems of 3 books, and draws the conclusion that A Vocabulary of the Hok-Ke^n Dialect as Spoken in the County of Tsheang- Tshewmto which is prefixed a treatise on the Hok-keen tones 《漳州方言词汇》 reflects Zhangzhou dialect in Penang or Malacca in the first half of the similar to the phonological system of the native well as today. The vocabulary also contains some Min dialects. Zhangzhou dialect pronunciations and 19th century, which is in the 19th century as words of other southern
作者 杜晓萍
机构地区 华侨大学文学院
出处 《方言》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期279-285,共7页 Dialect
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目.华侨大学哲学社会科学青年学者成长工程团队项目"闽南文学的传承与流播--以文化生态为视角"(12SKCC-QT07) 华侨大学科研启动项目"十九世纪外国传教士所撰闽台方言文献语音和词汇研究"(12SKBS219) 福建省社科规划项目青年项目"十九世纪外国传教士所撰闽台方言字典语音研究"(2013C086)阶段性成果
关键词 《漳州方言词汇》《福建方言字典》《厦英大辞典》 漳州方言 音系 A Vocabulary of the Hok-Keen Dialect as Spoken in the County of Tsheang-Tshew-to which is prefixed a treatise on the Hok-keen tones 《漳州方言词汇》, Dictionaryof the Hok-Keen Dialect of the Chinese Lanuage, According to the Reading and ColloquialIdioms 《福建方言字典》, Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or SpokenLanguage of Amoy, With the principal variations of the Chang-chew and Chin-chewdialects 《厦英大辞典》, Zhangzhou dialect, the phonological system
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  • 1马重奇.1996,《漳州方言研究》,(香港)纵横出版社.
  • 2谢秀岚.1818,《汇集雅俗通十五音》,(漳州)颜锦堂木刻本.
  • 3Carstairs Douglas 1873 Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy, With the principal variations of the Chang-chew and Chin-chew dialects , England: Missionary of the Presbyterian Church.
  • 4Elihu Doty 1853 Anglo-Chinese Manual with Romanized Colloquial in the Amoy Dialect(《翻译英华厦腔语汇》),(广州)鹭门梓行.
  • 5Lim, Irene Lay Peng 2008 Samuel Dyer http://infopedia, nl. sg/articles/SIP_ 1342 _ 2008 - 12 - 10. htmlo :.
  • 6SamuelDyer(戴尔)1838A Vocabulary of the Hok-Keg'n dialect as spoken in the county of Ts~ang-Tshew--to which is prefixed a treatise on the Hok-keg, n tones , Singapore: Anglo-Chinese College Press.
  • 7SamuelDyer(戴尔)1839 Remarks on the Gammar Construction of the Chinese Language, The ChineseRepository, vol. 8.
  • 8w.H.Medhurst(麦都思)1837 Dictionary of the Hok-Keen Dialect of the Chinese Lanuage, Accordingto the Reading and Colloquial Idioms England: Honorable East India Company.


  • 1麦都思.《福建方言字典》,Dictionary of the Hok - Keen Dialect of the Chinese Lanuage, According to the Reading and Col-loquial Idioms, (England)Honorable East India Company 1837,序言第10页.
  • 2杜嘉德.《厦英大辞典》,, Chinese - English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy, With the principal var-iations of the Chang- chew and Chin- chew dialects, (England)Missionary of the Presbyterian Church 1873,序言第8页.
  • 3洪惟仁.《麦都思(福建方言字典)》,《台湾文献书目解题》(第五种语言学),中央图书馆台湾分馆,第217页.
  • 4DictionaryoftheHok-KeenDialectoftheChineseLanuage,AccordingtotheReadingandCol-loquialIdioms,(England)HonorableEastIndiaCompany1837,序言第10页.
  • 5Chinese-EnglishDictionaryoftheVernacularorSpokenLanguageofAmoy,Withtheprincipalvar-iationsoftheChang-chewandChin-chewdialects,(England)MissionaryofthePresbyterianChurch1873,序言第8页.









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