
走出“自我之狱”——布朗肖论死亡、文学以及他者 被引量:3

Out of “the Prison of the Self”:Maurice Blanchot on Death,Literature and “The Other”
摘要 笛卡尔之后,以"我思"为基础建构的主体,在自我同一性以及经验的我属性的双重保障之下运作,从而,主体以理解、表象以及实践活动等手段为自己建造了一个精致复杂的"自我之狱"。因为,我只能与经过我的感觉和理性篡改的他人和他物相遇,从而,我也只能遇上我自己。布朗肖通过对死亡、文学以及他者的分析,发现自我中包涵着一个非我(I-less)的维度,主体面临着一种主体之死(dying)的状态,这成为布朗肖打开自我之狱,走向外边的契机。 Since Descartes' cogito - based subject construction, the subject has operated within the framework of self - identity and the mine -ness of experience. Henceforth, the subject has built a complicated "prison of the self" with means such as un- derstanding, representation and practical activities. In this prison, the " I" can only encounter other individuals or objects through the perception and reason of the "I", which means that the "I" can only encounter with "the self of the 'I' ". By analy- zing death, literature and the other, Blanchot revealed that there is a dimension of I - less embedded in the self of the "I," and that the subject is faced with a state of the dying of the subjecthood. This state about the subject becomes Blanchot' s chance to break "the prison of the self" and get to the outside.
作者 朱玲玲
出处 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期211-216,共6页 Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art
关键词 自我之狱 外边 死亡的不可能性 写作的需要 主体之死(dying) "the prison of the self" the outside the impossibility of death the demand of writing dying of the sub-jeethood
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  • 1Blanchot, Maurice. The Book to Come. Trans. Charlotte Mandell. Stanford, California: Stanford UP, 2003.
  • 2Blanchot, Maurice. Friendship. Trans. Elizabeth Rottenberg. Stanford, California: Stanford UP, 1997.
  • 3Blanchot, Maurice.The Work of Fire. Trans. Charlotte Mandell. Stan- ford : Stanford UP, 1995.
  • 4Blanchot, Maurice. The Infinite Conversation. Trans. Susan Hanson. Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, 1993.
  • 5Blanchot, Maurice. The Writing of the Disaster. Trans. Ann Smok. Lin- coln , London: University of Nebraska Press, 1986.
  • 6Blanchot, Maurice.The Space of Literature. Trans. Ann Smock. Lin- coln, London: University of Nebraska Press, 1982.
  • 7海德格尔.《存在与时间》,陈嘉映,王庆节译,北京:三联书店,2006年.
  • 8黑格尔.《精神现象学》,贺麟、王玖兴译,北京:商务印书馆,1996年版,第23页.
  • 9Iyer, Lars. Blanchot ' s Communism : Art, Philosophy and Po- litical. Houndmills, New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
  • 10Levinas, Emmanuel. Time and the Other. Trans. Richard Cohen. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Duquesne UP, 1987.










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