
基于改进BEM理论的水平轴风力机气动性能预测 被引量:3

Prediction of Aerodynamic Performance for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Based on Improved Blade Element Momentum Theory
摘要 在叶素动量理论(BEM理论)的基础上,综合考虑了风力机叶片叶尖和轮毂损失、叶栅效应、轴向速度诱导因子修正以及失速延迟修正,建立了风力机气动性能计算模型,使其准确性进一步得到提升。文中以10 kW定桨距失速型风力机叶片为例,采用上述改进的BEM理论计算模型,利用MATLAB编程,计算了其气动性能,并与国际认证的风力机计算软件GH-Bladed的计算结果进行了对比,其一致性说明了文中模型具有良好的准确性和实用性。 Based on the Blade Element Momentum Theory,taking tip loss,hub loss,cascade effect,the modification of the axial induction and three-dimensional rotation into consideration,a model for prediction of aerodynamic performance for horizontal axis wind turbine was established to make the theatrical model more accurate.The aerodynamic performance of a 10kW wind turbine was computed by MATLAB,and then compared with the result of GH-Bladed.The excellent coherence verified the accuracy and effectiveness of this model.
出处 《机械设计与研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期126-128,132,共4页 Machine Design And Research
关键词 风力机叶片 改进BEM 气动性能 wind turbine improved BEM theory aerodynamic performance
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