
俄罗斯“月球-全球”和“月球-资源”探月任务 被引量:5

Russian Lunar Exploration Missions:LUNA-Glob&LUNA-Resource
摘要 俄罗斯月球-全球-1着陆器将于2015年发射,主要目的是测试月球着陆器的软着陆技术。月球-全球-2轨道器计划于2016年发射,将先后在距月面500km、150km和50km的高度上飞行。2017年计划发射的月球-资源-1着陆器,将是搭载大量科学载荷和承担相应探测任务的月面科学研究站。与苏联时期所研制的月球车相比,分别在月球-资源-2和月球-资源-3着陆器上搭载的俄罗斯新一代月球车——月球车-3和月球车-4,将携带更加先进的科学仪器,能够精确分析采集样品的化学成分、光谱特征等。其运行模式包括行走、勘察、接近目标、接触目标和样品采集与分析,将对月球极区表面环境进行全面探测。结合对俄罗斯"月球-全球"和"月球-资源"探月任务的介绍,针对中国的探月计划提出如下建议:探月任务的实施,应以科学研究为主要目的,以建立月球基地为目标,借鉴国外探月技术,开展国际合作,为形成独立的月球科学体系打下坚实基础。 The LUNA-Glob-1 lander, to be launched in 2015, will focus on testing soft landing technologies. The LUNA-Glob-2 orbiter, to be launched in 2016, will explore the Moon at the altitudes of 500km, 150km and 50km. The LUNA-Resource-1 lander to be launched in 2017, will be a heavily-laden and heavily-tasked surface research station. Compared with the Soviet Union's lunohods, new Russian lunohods, such as Lunohod-3 on LUNA-Resource-2 and Lunohod-4 on LUNA-Resource-3, will carry much more advanced scientific payloads, which enable more accu- rate analysis of the collected samples' composition and spectrum, etc. The operation modes in- clude roving, reconnaissance, approaching and contacting targets, and sample analysis. Through surface operation and investigation, new lunohods will comprehensively explore the surface environ- ment of the lunar polar areas. Combined with the instructions of Russian LUNA-Glob and LU- NA-Resource lunar exploration missions,some suggestions are put forward for China's lunar ex- ploration program to lay the foundation for an independent lunar scientific system, including im- plementing the missions for the scientific research, establishing a base on the moon as an objec- tive, learning from the international experiences of lunar exploration, and developing internationalcooperations.
出处 《航天器工程》 2013年第4期103-108,共6页 Spacecraft Engineering
关键词 “月球-全球”探测器 “月球-资源”探测器 月球车 LUNA-Glob LUNA-Resource lunohod
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