
ExoMars 2016火星探测计划进入、减速、着陆的验证任务分析 被引量:4

Review and Analysis of EDL Demonstrator Module of ExoMars 2016 Mission
摘要 对欧洲航天局(ESA)火星探测的ExoMars 2016计划进行了概述,着重分析了进入、减速、着陆验证任务的关键环节,详细分析了进入、减速、着陆验证的任务组成、任务目标、任务规划以及相关关键技术等。结合我国火星探测目前的技术状态,需要针对进入、减速、着陆各关键技术进行合理的规划,并适时开展相关的试验验证。首先完成整个火星探测进入、减速、着陆平台的验证与研制,再进一步开展深入的火星探测科学任务研究。文章所述内容和分析可为我国下一步开展火星等深空探测任务提供参考。 In this paper, we summarized the Entry, Decent, and Landing (EDL) technology of ESA^s ExoMars 2016 Mission. The characteristics of EDL Demonstrator Module (EDM) are concluded in the paper. The key design points of the EDM are studied in detail, including mission structure, task object, mission planning, key technologies and so on. Combined with the current technology status of Mars exploration in China, a reasonable planing of the technologies for the Entry, Decent, Landing is need, and the relevant tests should be carried out timely. Firstly the development and validation of Entry, Decent, Landing platform for the entire Mars exploration shall be completed. Then an in-depth science mission to Mars shall be researched. The paper also can provide some references to making further study of the Mars exploration mission in the future.
作者 贾贺 荣伟
出处 《航天器工程》 2013年第4期109-115,共7页 Spacecraft Engineering
基金 国家重大科技专项工程
关键词 ExoMars计划 火星探测 进入 减速 着陆 EDL验证器 ExoMars Mars explore Entry, Decent, and Landing (EDL) EDL Demonstrator Module (EDM)
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