
探索中国特色大国外交之路 外交部长王毅在第二届世界和平论坛午餐会上的演讲 被引量:2

Exploring the Path of Major-Country Diplomacy With Chinese Characteristics Remarks by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Luncheon of the Second World Peace Forum
摘要 尊敬的各位嘉宾,女士们,先生们,朋友们:很高兴出席第二届世界和平论坛。感谢清华大学和中㈦人民外交学会为举办这次盛会所作的努力。中华民族历来是热爱和平的民族,中阳始终奉行和平的对外政策。面对和平与发展的时代,从中囤,从北京,从这个论坛,向世界发出和平的声音,传递和甲的理念,播撤和平的种子,既是吲际弛会对中国的殷切期待,也是当代中国应爆的国际责任。 Distinguished Guests. Ladies and Gentlemen. Dea," Friends. It gives me great pleasure to attend the Second World Peace Forum. I wish to thank Tsinghua University and the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Aftairs for putting together this grand gathering. The Chinese people ate peace-loving and China is committed to a foreign policy of peace. In this era of peace and development, our gathering will send the voice and idea of peace to the world and sow the seed for peace. This is what the international community expects from China and what today's China should unde,lake tbr the world. In his remarks this morning, Vice President Li Yuanchao expounded on China's propositions regarding the two themes of peace and security. He underscored that China is a
出处 《Beijing Review》 2013年第35期I0001-I0007,共7页 北京周报(英文版)
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  • 1Xi presides over meeting of Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/photo/2013-06/25/c_132485948 . 2013
  • 2.Exploring the Path of Major-Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics—Remarks by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Luncheon of the World Peace Forum[].website of Ministry of Foreign Affairshttp://wwwfmprcgovcn/eng/wjdt/zyjh/tshtml.2013
  • 3.Exploring the Path of Major-Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics—Remarks by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Luncheon of the World Peace Forum[].website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs http://wwwfinprcgovcn/eng/wjdt/zyjh/tshtml.2013
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  • 9Chinese President makes four-point proposal for settlement of Palestinian question. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2013-05/06/c_132363061.htm . 2013
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