目的:介绍应用VX2细胞株制作兔移植性肝癌模型,并时其进行血管造影及化疗栓塞治疗,探讨兔VX2肝癌 在肝癌介入治疗实验研究中的应用价值。方法:将VX2细胞株接种于日本大白兔的肝脏内,植入2周后将30只携有肿瘤 的实验兔随机分为对照组及TACE治疗组,植入肿瘤后5周,所有动物均处死取肝脏标本行病理学检查。结果:VX2细胞 株接种于兔肝成功率高,血管造影显示该肿瘤血供丰富,5周末对照组在未经任何治疗下肝移植瘤体积26.5±6.5cm~3,平 均坏死率35.5%±9.2%。TACE治疗后肝移植瘤体积约19.9±7.3cm~3,平均坏死率52.4%±17.8%。两组之间对比有显 著性差异(P<0.01)。结论:移植性兔VX2肝癌血供特点类似人类原发性肝癌,TACE治疗可以抑制其生成,是介入治疗实 验研究十分有用的肝癌模型。
Objective: To introduce an animal model of implanted VX2 liver tumor in rabbits and investigate its blood supply to tu- mor and potential use for experimental interventional treatment. Methods: Two weeks after inoculation of VX2 tumor into liver, 30 Japanese white rabbits were seperated into two groups randomly as Control group and TACE group. Five weeks after inoculation, all rabbits were sac- rificed and the liver was removed for histopathological examination.Results:The successful rate of implantation was high(almost 100%), and angiography demonstmted the blood supply of tumor was plentyful. Five weeks after inoculation, the mean volume and necrosis rate of the implanted tumor were:26.5±6.5cm3 and 35.5%±9.2% in control group;and 19.9±7.3cm3 and 52.4%±17.8% in TACE group.There was significant difference between the two groups (P <0.01) . Conclusion: The blood supply to implanted VX2 liver tumor is similar to that of human hepatocellular carcionma. TACE treatmentcan retaid its growth. The implanted VX2 liver tumor is a useful animal model for experimental interventional treatment.
Radiologic Practice