目的 研究中央颅底区域肿瘤的MRI表现 ,探讨其诊断与鉴别诊断要点。材料与方法 分析 6 5例经病理证实的肿瘤(如鼻咽癌、血管纤维瘤、脊索瘤、侵袭性垂体瘤等 )的MRI表现 ,重点观察病变的信号、部位和侵犯特征。结果 血管纤维瘤、黑色素瘤等少数肿瘤的MR信号具有特征性 ,肿瘤的中心部位 (如血管纤维瘤、脊索瘤、垂体瘤及邻近肿瘤的侵犯 )对定性诊断有所帮助 ,当病变破坏广泛时鉴别比较困难。结论 MRI可充分显示肿瘤的范围。部分肿瘤可依据其信号。
Objective To investigate MR signs of the tumors invading the central basicranial area.Materials and Methods MR findings of 65 cases with pathologically proved tumors, including nasopharyngeal carcinoma, juvenile angiofibroma (JA), chordoma, invasive pituitary adenoma, etc. were analyzed, focusing on the signal intensity, location and invasive characteristics of the lesions.Results The signal intensity of some tumors, such as JA and melanoma, carried some characteristics on MRI. The location of the lesion's center was helpful for qualitative diagnosis, as in patients with JA, chordoma, invasive pituitary adenoma and direct invasion from neighboring structures, nevertheless, it would be difficult to make differential diagnosis when the normal structure became extensively involved.Conclusion MRI can well demonstrate the entire extent of the lesion. Based on the signal features, locations and invasive characteristics, qualitative diagnosis can be made for some tumors.
Journal of Clinical Radiology