
口腔修复用钛锆铌锡合金研制及铸造性能研究 被引量:4

Casting performance of Ti-Zr-Nb-Sn alloy for dental restoration
摘要 目的:研制口腔修复用钛锆铌锡(Ti-12.5Zr-3Nb-2.5Sn)合金,并评价合金铸造加工性能。方法:制备Ti-Zr-Nb-Sn合金,采用国产LZ5型离心铸钛机铸造试样,测试合金的铸流率,铸造反应层和线收缩率。结果:400℃时铸造,合金铸流率为100%,铸造线收缩率,表面反应层满足修复支架的铸造要求。结论:Ti-12.5Zr-3Nb-2.5Sn合金具有良好铸造加工性能,可满足口腔修复材料的临床应用要求。 Objective: A new titanium alloy(Ti-12.5Zr-3Nb-2.5Sn) was developed to meet the needs of clinical requirements for medical titanium alloys and casting performance of Ti-12.5Zr-3Nb-2.5Sn alloy.Methods: Samples of a newly developed Ti-Zr-Nb-Sn alloy were prepared.Samples were casted by LZ5-centrifugal casting machine.Casting temperature of the titanium alloy and the casting flow rate were detected.Casting reaction layer and linear shrinkage were evaluated.Results: The casting flow rate was 100% when the alloy were casted at 400℃.Linear shrinkage and the surface reaction layer met the demands.Conclusions: Ti-12.5Zr-3Nb-2.5Sn alloy,as a dental restoration material,was proved to possess favorable mechanical and casting performance properties.
出处 《中华老年口腔医学杂志》 2013年第1期2-6,共5页 Chinese Journal of Geriatric Dentistry
基金 天津市应用基础研究计划重点项目(07JCZDJC07100) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(200800620006)
关键词 口腔修复 钛锆铌锡合金 铸造性能 Dental restoration Ti-Zr-Nb-Sn alloy Cast performance
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