
《周易》爻辞原文读法与意义复原研究 被引量:2

Restoration Study on the Reading Method and Meaning of the Original Linear Text of The Zhou Book of Changes
摘要 孔子解读《周易》时将爻辞语篇作为始源域发挥其中的德义,爻辞语篇相对于作为始源域的六十四卦卦画系统是其目标域,因此爻辞语篇的两重角色使其成了一个两面并不互通的双面镜。孔子之后,人们沿着他的路径不断拓展,形成了天地人阴阳的三两制解读模式,而原来的两三制解读模式作为"史巫之法"被忘却了,原文的读法与意义也因此模糊支离不清了,后来的文本解读和注释直至今日与原文始终不能贴切吻合。从历史的角度看,上世纪60年代之前,原文读法与意义的复原可能是难以想象的,但是语言哲学和语言学的发展,特别是体验哲学和认知语言学的发展,使得我们今天有可能应用这些知识和方法进行原文本考古式的解读研究,虽然可能有少部分的文字在传承过程中,有修改或补漏,整体上,爻辞原文可以通过四个步骤:两三制结构、经纬象线、动态整分综合分析和思想文化特征分析得以基本恢复。整个恢复的文本应该说基本呈现出《左传》中所记载的三大特征:易象、周公之德和周之所以称王的思想基础。可以看作早于《老子》约500年的我国第一部系统完整的哲学著作。 Confucius,in his understanding of The Zhou Book of Changes,took the linear text as the source domain to elaborate its philosophy,while the linear text was the target domain of the sixty-four hexagram system as the source domain. Therefore,the linear text became a double face mirror. After Confucius, people continued his way of elaboration,and formulated'the three two-line reading model'in The Appendices to The Zhou Book of Changes. Therefore,the original'two three-line reading model'as the historian-sorcerer’s method went into oblivion,and the original textural meanings became vague and fragmental. The later exposition and the annotation of the linear text up to now have long been unable to be close and appropriate to the original. In the perspective of history,before the sixties of the twentieth century,it was unimaginable to restore the original reading model and the textual meaning,even though many scholars tried hard. Now the development of linguistic philosophy and linguistics,especially the philosophy in the flesh and the cognitive linguistics,makes it possible for us to apply these knowledge and methods to the archaeological reading and study of the original text. Possibly some words in the text were revised or added for omissions in the past,but on the whole,the original method and meaning of the linear text have been basically restored through four steps: the two-trigram structure,vertical and horizontal image lines,dynamic holistic-partial integrated analysis and cultural and thinking characteristic analysis. The restored linear text demonstrates the three characteristics recorded in The Zuo’s Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals: changing images,Ji Dan’s virtue and the ideological foundation of hegemony of the Zhou Dynasty.
作者 傅惠生
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期1-14,151,共14页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 《周易》爻辞原文 读法与意义 复原研究 the original linear text of The Zhou Book of Changes,the reading method and meaning,restoration study
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