

Design and Implementation of Fiber Management System Based on RFID
摘要 近年来,随着RFID技术及其产品成本的不断降低,该技术被广泛应用于许多实际工程领域,例如供应链管理、门禁安防系统、智能家电、电子付费、生产自动化等。但是,RFID技术在给我们带来巨大商业价值和运作简便的同时,也威胁到个人和组织的隐私与安全性。简要地介绍了RFID隐私与安全的基本问题,并简述了目前一些有效解决RFID隐私与安全性问题的关键技术,最后,讨论了一种基于EPCGen2标准标签的加密改进方法。 In recent years, as costs continue to decrease in RFID technology and its products, the teclmology is widely used in many practical engineering fields, such as supply chain management, access control security systems, smart appliances, electronic payment, and production automation. Howevm; RFID technology has brought us tremendous business value and easy operation but also a threat to the privacy and security of individuals and organizations. This article briefly describes the basic issues of RFID privacy and security, and outlined some of the key technologies for an effective solution to the RFID privacy and security issues, and finally an encryption based on EPCGen2 standard label improvement
出处 《微型电脑应用》 2013年第7期31-33,共3页 Microcomputer Applications
关键词 RFID 安全 隐私 Hash运算 加密 RFID Security Privacy Hash Operation Encryption
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