辽宁省南部沿海以老帽山为中心 ,分布于几十条沟谷中的泥石流沉积物是形成于中国东部沿海独特的自然地理环境之中 ,该区虽然属于温带季风区 ,但是由于地处沿海 ,受到相当强烈的海洋性气候的调节 ,夏季降水集中 ,且多暴雨 ,为泥石流的发生提供了激发条件 ,从泥石流的发生机制看 ,应属一种较为独特的暴雨型快速暂时性泥石流 ,从宏观沉积结构看泥石流沉积物表现为粗大颗粒的混杂堆积。通过对在野外大量采集的粒度样品的分析计算 ,引入粒度分布拟合度概念 。
The debris flow sediment is located at Laomao mountain gullies, in south Liaoning province, which forms in unique physical geographical environment of east coastland of China. The area belongs to temperate zone, monsoon climate is regulated by intense martin climate. Precipitation concentrates in summer by the type of torrential rain. This condition helps to debris flow process. In view of mechanism, the debris flow is unique rapid and temporary torrential rain typed one. Sedimentary structures of the debris flow show bulky grain size migmatite. By analyzing the sediment grain sizes, the author leads into concept of likelihood of grain size distribution and pursues the debris flow grain size distribution patterns.
Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation
辽宁省教育委员会 B类项目! ( 990 3 2 0 463 )"大连城市人民环境质量评价研究"