
反复呼吸道感染患儿食物特异性IgG检测分析 被引量:13

Analysis of FoodAllergen-specific IgG in Children with Recurrent Respiratory Infections
摘要 目的:探讨儿童食物不耐受与反复呼吸道感染的相关性。方法:收集反复呼吸道感染患儿婴幼儿喘息及哮喘患儿(后简称喘息组)、普通呼吸道感染患儿及健康体检儿童,检测其血清食物特异性IgG,总IgE及嗜酸性粒细胞,并进行统计学分析。结果:(1)反复呼吸道感染组的食物特异性IgG阳性率明显高于普通呼吸道感染组及健康对照组(P<0.01),与喘息组无明显差别(P=0.818);(2)在0~2岁及3~5岁年龄段,反复呼吸道感染组及喘息组的IgG阳性率无统计学差别,两组明显高于普通呼吸道感染组及健康体检组(P<0.05)。在6~14岁年龄段,反复呼吸道感染组与普通呼吸道感染组及健康对照组无明显差异;(3)反复呼吸道感染组食物特异性IgG阳性率最高的前三项为:鸡蛋,牛奶及海产品(虾,蟹,鳕鱼),将其在各年龄段及各疾病组之间进行比较,反复呼吸道感染组中0~2岁年龄段牛奶的阳性率最高,在3~5岁时鸡蛋的阳性率位居第一,均与喘息组类似,,明显高于普通呼吸道感染及健康对照组(P<0.05),差异有统计学意义。但在6~14岁时三类食物的IgG阳性率则无明显统计学差异;(4)比较各组患儿血清IgE及嗜酸性粒细胞指标,发现反复呼吸道感染组IgE及嗜酸性粒细胞阳性率明显低于IgG的阳性率(P<0.01),反复呼吸道感染组的IgE阳性率与普通呼吸道感染组及健康对照组相比无明显统计学差异(P=0.071,P=0.078)。结论:食物特异性IgG在反复呼吸道患儿中有较高的阳性率,且在年龄,食物种类的分布与喘息组类似。食物不耐受与反复呼吸道感染有较高的相关性。 Objective:To explore the relationship between food intolerance and recurrent respiratory infections(RRI).Methods:Food allergen-specific IgG,serum IgE and eosinophilia granulocyte were detected in children,which was divided into recurrent respiratory infections,wheeze and asthma,normal respiratory infection,and healthy children.Results:(1)The positive rate of food-specific IgG in RRI group was similar to wheeze group(P=0.818),but significantly higher than the normal respiratory infection and healthy control group(P〈0.01);(2)In 0~2 and 3~5 years old children,there was no significant difference in positive rate of food-specific IgG between RRI and wheeze groups.But both of them were significant higher than normal respiratory infection and healthy control group(P〈0.05).In 6~14 years old children,The positive rate of food-specific IgG in RRI group was not significant higher than normal respiratory infection and healthy control group.(3)The first three kinds of food were picked out to be compared.In 0~2 years old children,milk got the highest positive rate in RRI and wheeze groups,while egg was the highest one in 3~5 years old children.Both of them were significant higher than normal respiratory infection and healthy control group(P〈0.05).In 6~14 years old children,the three kinds of food had no significant differences in RRI group.(4)The positive rate of serum IgE and eosinophilia granulocyte were significant less than IgG in RRI group.The positive rate of serum IgE was not significant higher than normal respiratory infection and healthy control group.Conclusion:The positive rate of food-specific IgG in RRI group came up to a high level,which was similar to wheeze group in age and food structures.Food intolerance may be one of the etiological factors leading to RRI.
作者 雷蕾 蒋瑾瑾
出处 《中国医药导刊》 2013年第6期1052-1053,1056,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide
关键词 食物不耐受 食物特异性IGG 反复呼吸道感染 Food Intolerance Food allergen-specific IgG Recurrent respiratory infections
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