
国际R&D溢出、前沿技术和吸收能力——基于中国13个工业行业面板数据的研究 被引量:1

International R&D Spillover,Frontier Technology and Absorptive Capacity:Panel Data Analysis of 13 Industrial Sectors in China
摘要 大量研究表明,国际贸易和国际R&D溢出对发展中国家的国内生产率提升有着重要作用。基于随机前沿生产函数,测算中国13个工业行业在由国际上技术领先国家的R&D资本决定的前沿生产边界下的技术效率水平(实际生产与生产边界的距离)后发现,通过国际贸易这一渠道,技术领先国家的R&D资本对中国确实产生了技术溢出;相对于高技术行业,中国传统制造业反而越接近前沿技术边界;人力资本、国内R&D投入、FDI对吸收国际R&D溢出和先进技术转移都有着显著的促进作用,从而验证了人力资本和国内R&D投入在经济增长中的两面性。由此可得到如下启示,一是要提高R&D资本和人力资本的回报率以鼓励企业进行研发和社会对教育的投入;二是在技术赶超的路途上,应该循序渐进以引进和利用符合目前中国技术现状的适宜技术为主。 Studies show that international trade and international R&D spillovers have important roles in developing countries enhancing domestic productivity. This paper uses SEA model to calcu late 13 industrial sectors technology efficiency under production frontier determined by the R&D investments from the leading countries. The results indicate that through international trade, R&D from leading countries has a spillover to China. Low technology sectors, as Chinese traditional com- parative advantage industries, are the most closed to production frontier. Human capital, domestic R^D investments and FDI have significant positive effect on absorbing international R&D spillover and technology transfer, which uncover the two roles of human capital and domestic R^D invest- ments during the growth of economy. The revelation is that it is necessary to increase return of R&D and human capital to encourage enterprises to develop R&D and social investment in educa- tion; Secondly, in order to technological catch--up, China should step by step give priority to in- troduce and utilize appropriate technology consistent with the present status.
作者 李萍 徐圆
出处 《现代财经(天津财经大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期117-129,共13页 Modern Finance and Economics:Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics
关键词 国际R&D溢出 技术效率 吸收能力 人力资本 international R&D spillover technology etticiency absorptive capacity human capital
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