目的 :探讨小儿退热灵的解热、抗炎作用及量效关系。方法 :1采用家兔皮下注射“松节油”发热模型 ,观察小儿退热灵一次性直肠给药对发热家兔的解热作用 ,与安乃近组作对照 ;2分别采用小鼠耳廓“二甲苯”致炎模型和“角叉菜”致炎大鼠足跖肿胀模型 ,观察小儿退热灵灌胃给药后的抗炎作用 ,与阿司匹林组作对照。结果 :1小儿退热灵在 1.8~ 7.2 g/ kg剂量下具有明显解热作用 (P<0 .0 5 ) 且呈量效关系 ,与安乃近组比较 ,其降温起效慢 ,维持时间长 ,降温幅度大。 2小儿退热灵在 2 .7~ 5.4 g/ kg剂量下对小鼠耳廓肿胀有明显抑制作用 (P<0 .0 0 1) ,在 9.0~ 15.0 g/ kg剂量下对大鼠足跖肿胀有一定抑制作用(P<0 .0 5 ) ,与阿司匹林组相近。结论 :小儿退热灵有解热、抗急、慢性炎症作用。
Objective:Animal experiments were conducted to observe the pharmacological effect of Xiaoer Tuire Ling(XETRL).Methods:Fever rabits models induced by injection of terebenthene were administrated with XETRL in the rectal route,comparing with analgin.We observed XETRL's acute anti-inflammatory effect in mice ears edema model by dimethylbenzene,chronical anti-inflammatory effect in rats feet edema by carrageenan,comparing with asprin.Results:XETRL had apparent febrifugal effect in dose of 1.8~7.2g/kg,which action began at 2 hours and lasted 6 hours after administration(P<0.05).XETRL could inhibit mice ears edema in dose of 2.7~5.4g/kg(P<0.01) and rats feet edema in dose of 9.0~15.0g/kg(P<0.05).Conclusions:XETRL had febrifugal,acute and chronic anti-inflammatory effect.
Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine