

From the Perspective of a New Admission Attachment Children’s Separation Anxiety
摘要 新入园幼儿由于面对陌生的环境和人群会产生不安的心理,或是失去家长的依靠而产生不安的心理,亦或是对于在幼儿园中开展的活动内容不熟悉所产生不安的心理,这些即为"幼儿分离性焦虑"。若不采取有效的措施来改变这种现象,不仅会影响幼儿适应环境的时间长短,还会影响幼儿的生理发育及心理机能,阻碍教师正常的教学工作。因此,本文以儿童发展心理学中依恋理论为依据,分析了新入园幼儿产生分离性焦虑的成因,并提出了使幼儿能尽快适应入园生活的一些对策。 The new child care admission due to face unfamiliar environment and the crowd would have disturbed mental,or lost parents rely on generation of unrest,or in the kindergarten activities are not familiar with the content generated by disturbing psychological, which are"children’s separation anxiety".If do not take effective measures to change this phenomenon,not only affect children’s adaptation to the environment the length of time,affect children’s physiological and psychological function,prevents the normal teaching work.This article in the psychology of child development of attachment theory as the basis,analyzes the new child care admission have separation anxiety causes,and puts forward that children can adapt to life some countermeasures for admission.
作者 吴旻烨
出处 《中国科教创新导刊》 2013年第21期217-219,共3页 CHINA EDUCATION INNOVATION HERALD
关键词 依恋 幼儿 分离性焦虑 To Feel Attachment to Someone Early Childhood Separation Anxiety
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