
英国商学院的发展与改革 被引量:2

Development and Reform of Business Schools in Britain
摘要 英国商科高等教育自1960年代以来经历了跨越式的快速发展且获得了很高的国际声誉。然而自21世纪初以来,英国商学院的传统模式遭到多方质疑与批评,其可持续发展亦面临诸多不确定因素。从历史的视角对英国商学院的发展历程进行回溯,可以更清晰和深刻地理解其目前在学院声誉、办学经费和师资力量上所面临的问题与挑战。 Since 1960s,business schools in Britain has experienced rapid development and gained outstanding international reputation.However,ever since the beginning of 21st century,the traditional development model of British business schools has been under suspicion and criticism. Meanwhile,their sustainability has encountered many problems and challenges.To review the development history of British business schools may enable us to have a clear view and understanding on its current problems and challenges,such as reputation,funding and faculty profile.
出处 《高教发展与评估》 CSSCI 2013年第4期70-77,123,共8页 Higher Education Development and Evaluation
基金 烟台大学教学改革资助项目(2012C010)
关键词 英国商学院 商科教育 管理学 学科评价 British business schools business education management discipline evaluation
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