邓小平经济理论是现代社会主义经济论。它原则上冲破了一元性、封闭性、平均性的传统社会主义经济观念 ,开启了多元性、开放性、共享性的现代社会主义经济新观念。邓小平经济理论作为科学的体系 ,本身是一个解放思想、实事求是的过程 ,因而其创新思路体系的形成就显示出阶段性。第一阶段以拨乱反正、试验摸索为特征 ;第二阶段以推陈出新、总体构思为特征 ;第三阶段以系统概括。
Deng xiaoping's economic theories is modern socialist economic theories. It substitutes pluralistic, open and share modern new socialist economic concepts for centralized, close and equal traditional socialist economic concepts. It is scientific system, at the same time it is a course of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts. The course of its making innovations divides into three stages: The first stage takes setting wrong things right and groping for its features, the second stage takes weeding through the old to bring forth the new and overall plan for its features, the third stage takes generalizing in a systematic way and aim location for its features.
Contemporary Economic Research