
季节性冻土地区高铁路基沉降研究 被引量:10

Subgrade Settlement of High-Speed Railway in Seasonal Frozen Soil Area
摘要 以哈大高铁苏家屯段为研究对象,利用有限元软件ADINA对其进行三维模拟,结果表明,未经CFG桩处理的高铁路基沉降值不符合规范要求.通过改变CFG桩参数(褥垫层模量、褥垫层厚度、桩径、桩间距、桩长),利用有限元软件进行多次二维模拟,得到各参数与路基沉降的关系.最后将CFG桩的参数进行组合,模拟出路基在CFG桩各参数组合条件下的路基沉降值.模拟结果表明,当褥垫层厚度为350 mm,褥垫层变形模量为120 MPa,桩间距为2 m,桩径为0.5 m,桩长为9.5 m时,路基沉降量最小. Subgrade settlement at the Sujiatun section of Hada high-speed railway was simulated using the finite element software ADINA,and it was concluded that the subgrade settlement did not meet the specification if the CFG(cement fly-ash grave) piles were not applied to subgrade.By changing the parameters of CFG piles,including cushion modulus,cushion thickness,the diameter and length of piles,and spacing of piles,the relationship between the parameters and subgrade settlement was investigated,with the settlement values obtained on conditions of different parameter combinations.The result shows that the subsidence value is minimal when the cushion thickness is 350 mm,cushion modulus is 120 MPa,pile spacing is 2 m,and the diameter and length of the pile are 0.5 m and 9.5 m,respectively.
出处 《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期1202-1205,共4页 Journal of Northeastern University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51174039)
关键词 高铁路基 季节性冻土 CFG桩复合地基 有限元 沉降值 high-speed railway seasonal frozen soil CFG pile composite subgrade finite element settlement value
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