本文介绍了澳大利亚私人医疗保险的特点 ,分析了其当前面临的问题与挑战 ,进一步指出澳大利亚私人医疗保险的未来走向 :实施多样化费率 ,提高私人医疗保险吸引力 ;建立有效的买方/卖方制约模式 ;完善再保险制度、税收制度和储备金制度 ,提高竞争的公平性。
This paper described the characteristics of private medical insurance in Australian and analyzed challenges it faced. Then the author pointed out its development trend as follows, implementing multiple premium to strengthen attraction, establishing effective demander and provider model to reduce medical cost, perfecting reinsurance system, revenue system and reserve system to improve equity in competition.