本文首先说明了西部黄河源区的自然环境特点及生态现状 ,分析了其脆弱的原因 ,然后探讨了目前本地区出现生态恶化的影响因素。认为本地区的生态恶化是由人为不合理活动及气候变化引起的 ,元凶是气候变化 ,人为活动也是不可忽视的重要原因。最后讨论解决目前黄河源区生态困境的对策 ,认为为了改善本地区的生态环境 ,除了增加投入、完善法制、搞好宣传外 ,抢救性措施如建立生态保护区等长远措施以及改进当地人民的生产方式也势在必行。
The paper explains the characteristics of natural environment and present ecological conditions in original area of Yellow River in the west. Then it analyzes the reason of weakness and influencing factors worsening ecology in the area at present, and it considers that the reason is irrational man-made activity and climate. Finally it discusses relevant countermeasure, it considers that in order to improve ecological environment of the area, rescue measure such as establishing ecological protection region and improving productive way of local people must be enforced, except of increase of input, perfect of legal system and good propagation.
China Geology & Mining Economics