
美国加州大学多校区系统的发展及其总分校关系的演变 被引量:11

University of California's Development and the Changing Relationship Between Its Presidents and Their Campuses
摘要 从历史的角度梳理了美国加州大学多校区系统的发展历史和总校—分校关系的演变,对加州大学多校区系统未来发展的三种趋势进行了分析,认为加州大学系统是在长期发展中各方力量不断博弈的历史产物,总校和分校的权力界限也在冲突中不断调整,但总体上加州大学在不断向分权化发展。中国大学在多校区办学的实践中虽然很难直接采用美国加州大学系统的模式,但可以借鉴加州大学的办学经验,着眼长远,处理好总校与异地校区的关系。 By examining the history of University of California's (UC) multi-campus system and the changing relationship between the mother school and its branch campuses, the present paper analyzes the three trends of the future development of the multi campus system. It points out that the UC system is the historical product of the games among many parties over a long time and that the demarcation line of the power between the mother school and its branches is continually changing in conflicts but on the whole decentralization is the key word of this changing process. Although it is very difficult for Chinese universities to copy the UC system because of the organizational culture differences and different financial relationships, they can draw on UC's school-running experience in developing a favorable long-term relationship between them and their branch campuses.
出处 《高校教育管理》 CSSCI 2013年第5期54-61,共8页 Journal of Higher Education Management
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地北京大学教育经济研究所重大项目(10JJD880006)
关键词 美国高等教育 大学治理 美国加州大学 多校区系统 Amenrica's higher education university governance University of California multi-cam-pus system
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