
达菲诗歌中的族群意识 被引量:1

Ethnic Awareness as Shown in Duffy ' s Poems
摘要 由于从苏格兰迁移到英格兰的经历,英国首位获封桂冠诗人称号的苏格兰女诗人卡罗尔.安.达菲以多元文化身份体会到了迁移带来的疏离感。在诗歌中,她表达了作为少数族群迁移后对故乡的眷恋和对苏格兰语的依恋,对少数族群特别是黑人族群遭遇语言障碍和种族歧视表示深切的同情,揭示了多族群移民在英国梦想的破灭。 With an experience of migrating from Scotland to England, British Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy has experienced foreignness. In her poems, she not only expresses her own homesickness, but also shows a strong ethnic awareness. She sees language as an obstacle for migrants and immigrants to communicate with native English speakers and shows her affection for the Scottish language as her mother tongue. She describes the difficulties and racial discrimination that immigrants, especially colored immigrants suffer, and shows her sympathy. She describes Britain as a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society where people's dreams crash. Her poems with strong ethnic awareness not only show reality but also have great influence on social life.
作者 周洁
出处 《浙江外国语学院学报》 2013年第2期69-72,85,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang International Studies University
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(11YJA752033)
关键词 达菲诗歌 族群意识 语言 种族 移民 Duffy's poems ethnic awareness language race immigration
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