20世纪70年代末到80年代初,西方国家掀起了一场声势浩大的政府改革运动,"新公共管理"(NewPublic Management)理念开始进入社会公众的视野。在这次"政府再造"的运动中,政府和公民之间的关系进行了重新的定位。警察公共关系的建设开始引起人们的关注和讨论。由于警察组织自身的特殊性,媒体和社会公众的关注相对较高,分析受众导向下的警察公共关系,可以发现警察组织在警察公共关系建设中的内部优势、劣势,外部机遇和挑战,从而更好地制定一个适合警察公共关系建设的增长型战略。
In late 1970s to the early 80s, the Western countries launched movement, the concept of "New Public Management" began to enter the public a massive government reform view. In this "Banishing Bureaucracy" ,the relationship between government and citizens were re-positioning. The Police Public Relations Construction also began to attract public ' s attention and discussion. Particularity of the police organization, the media and the public's concern is relatively high, audience-oriented analysis of the Police Public Relations can be found at the Police Public Relations Police Organization building internal strengths, weaknesses, external opportunities and challenges, and thus we can get a suitable police Public Relations construction growth strategy.
The Journal of Yunnan Police College