目的 阐明颅脑损伤后脑外积液的发病机理。以利命名的统一及合理治疗。方法 对 38例进行发病因素剖析并结合颅压测定、动态影像检查等进行分类命名与治疗。结果 获两大病理特征(1)损伤后蛛网膜裂口的出现及各因素所致的局部液体积聚。 (2 )损伤处裂口瓣膜作用或闭合 ,即水瘤的出现。前者 2 8例 ,经保守治疗效果卓著 :后者 10例 ,分别行积液 腹腔分流或钻孔外引流术 ,均获痊愈。结论 颅脑损伤后脑外积液的病理过程包括局部液体积聚和水瘤形成后对脑组织的压迫。区分液体积聚期和水瘤形成期 ,分别采用非手术与手术治疗 。
Objective In order to expound etipathogenesis of accumulating liquid outside the wounded brain so as to favour the unity of naming and reasonable cure.Methods Analyze the pathogenies of 38 cases,then classify,name them and treat the patients combined with intracranial pressure measurement and dynamic image checks,etc. Results Two main characteristics of pathology were got.1. The local region liquids that backed various factors were caused by arachnoidal cleft after head was injured.2. The wounded breach closed or valve effected, namely the emergence of hygroma.In the precedent 28 cases in the group,the results through conservative therapy were distinguished.In the latter 10 cases in the group, operations were performed respectively with subdural peritoneal cavity shung or bores hole drainage, and all the patients recovered entirely.Conclusion The course of pathology of traumatic exterior cerebral fluid accumulation includes local fluid gathering and pressure to the brain tissues after hygroma formed. During differentiation of liquid gathering period and hydroma formation period, operation and conservation were used respectively,and not only the effect is good but also fits patho physiology.
Hebei Medical Journal
traumatic, external cerebral fluid accumulation, head injury, hydroma