目的 报道 40例老年退行性心瓣膜病并对其有关问题进行探讨。方法 以超声心动图检查结果为依据 ,结合病史、临床表现、X线、心电图、血糖、血脂等项检查资料进行分析。结果 该病多见于 5 5岁以上老年人 ,高血压、高血脂等可为易患因素 ,主要引起主动脉瓣及二尖瓣环钙化 ,临床表现常不典型 ,易误诊、漏诊。
Objective To report 40 cases of senile degenerative heart valve disease and meanwhile inquire into the problems concerned on it.Methods On the basis of the examination results learned from supersonie electrocardiogram,analyse the disease combined with their examination data including their medical records,clinical symptom X ray,electrocardiogram,blood and powder,fat in blood and so on.Results The type of disease usually exisits in the old of over 55.High blood pressure and high fat in blood are among the elements easily causing the old to suffer from it,and it mainly results in the caleification of aorta valve and mitral valve.Its clinical symptom is not typical.As a result this will cause an erroneous diagnosis or get the doctor to fail the examination.Conclusion The supersonic electrocardiogram is the only basis of examining the type of disease at present.
Hebei Medical Journal